रविवार, अप्रैल 26, 2009

My Village - Gugalwa ( Guglwa Kirtan)

My village is situated in Tehshil Sadulpur of District Churu of Rajasthan (India). It name is Gugalwa (Guglwa Kirtan). It is 3 km from Rampura Beri or 23 Kms from PILANI and 1 kms from Railway Station ( Guglwa-Kirtan) . Pilani is small town, situated on Sadulpur-Sikar-Jhujnjhunu national highway. It is famous for BITS. About my village, it is not associated with any historical event; however it is unique in many ways. It is important to me because my lots of memories are associated with this.

This is a small village with 300-350 houses, which includes the 40 houses of (Rajputs) and 30 houses of Jat's and rest houses from the others castes. Though it is small village, but it is unique in its structure. Here everybody is dependable on each other. Most of the lands are owned by the Rajput's,Jat's (Upper Casts) approximately about 80%. . In this unique way all castes are totally dependable on each other. Nobody can survive without the help of other. Second unique thing about my village is its water system. This area is prone for water shortage. But the elders of village have very wisely constructed a small Water Supply House and its supply from 3 to 20 km away to the other villages. This supply system was made by the government.

People talks from km away can be heard. In cities, we will ever get this opportunity. Here one can hear nature talking to him and see lot of miracles of nature. I invite people to explore the beauty of my village and Rajasthan . You will really like this for your life.

नुकीले शब्द

कम्युनल-सेकुलर,  सहिष्णुता-असहिष्णुता  जैसे शब्द बार बार इस्तेमाल से  घिस-घिसकर  नुकीले ओर पैने हो गए हैं ,  उन्हे शब्दकोशों से खींचकर  किसी...
